Sunday, August 30, 2009

animatic test

A rough test to see how troublesome his tail is to animate.
> link <
Easy in free hand, but I also need to animate it with sharp curvy lines to see how much longer that takes.

The characters in the animation in this post look great drawn free hand, contrasting with the sharp backgrounds.

1) animate every frame (similar to rotoscope)


2) draw keyframes and use tweens

I need to do some more tests to see how long it takes to create a nice movement with each method and then compare them to see which looks better.

Tail animation using method 2: > link <
Head animation using method 2: > link <
I needed to put the head/horns on different layers to make it eaiser, so now that I know the best way to do it, it shouldn't take as long the next time.

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