Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sound research

sounds @ 3:10
Making of Jurassic Park. I watched this when I rented the DVD, and found how they made the sounds of the dinosaurs pretty interesting.
The raptors are made from a piercing dolphin echo combined with a walrus which creates a "scary animal with is also big."
Dilophosaurus = swan calls + hawk + rattlesnake + howler monkey
I shall experiment with the same process to try an create an interesting sound for my alien.

A Bugs Life @ 0:42
I saw this on TV the other day and thought it was interesting how the bird chirps change depending on the perspective.
When the bird is viewed from a human perspective the chirps sound like normal.
But when the bird is viewed from the perspective of an ant, the bird chirps turn into a monstrous dinosaur like roar.
This episode of Samurai Jack focuses on the sound when Jack needs to reach a tower guarded by blind archers. The blind archers react to sound only, so Jack blindfolds himself to focus on his sense of sound, rather than relying on his sight.
Some sound effects I noticed:
-bird chirps (different kinds creates more depth)
-wind (blowing into mic)
-rustling leaves (could just use paper for same effect)
-foot steps
-music/tones/effects complimenting the mood
-fast flying arrows/evading (swish sound) (I have already made this by recording pen across paper)
-fire (could use waving fabric/clothing)
-trickling water
-silence for impact (when Jack puts on blindfold)
-ambient sounds, like birds/wind are cut when other action(or dialogue) is happening (storming the tower)
-sounds slowly layer as jack deciphers them with blindfold on
-musical theme when ever archers are focused on
I never saw how much sound effect variety Samurai Jack had until now. :)

Sound effects and music can compliment the animation, making the important parts stand out for the audience without relying entirely on visual cues.

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