Friday, July 31, 2009

battle coerography ideas

Try to create interesting + smart/calculating moves + counters + remember to use the environment.

Creature's goals
protagonist/hero = kill enemy, play + taunt
antagonist/enemy = kill hero

- use fire breath on water as smoke screen
- running claws along sand for smoke screen
- echo + strengthen noises from above when camera is underground
- whiskers pick up vibrations
- eagle spin chicken = shows determination
- triptic + slowdown + increasing close ups

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

sound underground

When underground, the sounds from above are amplified, many insects use this to hunt.

A spider navigates in the dark by using sound in the ground. Awesome.


From looking at movement for the digi-cult, I realised even though all my previous projects used movement, I didn't really focus on it as it wasn't the primary objective. But that shouldn't mean I should overlook movement and momentum.
In my previous dinosaur battle, I overlooked momentum, a critical element in all (if not most) fighting styles/dancing/movement. For example a boxer unleashing a unchallenged barrage of punches would be more effective than the same amount being countered by the other boxer. The increasing momentum would make the attacker more confident as the defender would become increasingly unbalanced, making for an easier target.
This is the same in some parts of the animal kingdom, where a peregrine falcon can break bones of it's prey from diving from the air.

In the second half of the video it shows a goshawk flying through a forest of trees, near the ground, split second timing, at high speed. The animal camera gives you a real feeling of the speed. I could easily do something similar in my animation with a POV shot.
I will have to play around with the frame rate though. I think 24 fps will be enough.

I will definitely experiment with visual ways of depicting mass speed.

Mantis shrimp punches so fast underwater it generates heat and light.
I think I will encorporate this when my character activates super speed, could generate light in the dark, or set the grass on fire as a side effect.

I also saw a video where seals can hunt fish not using sight or sound, but feeling the wake of the fish with its sensitive whiskers.

Saw this in the weekend. The painterly effect plus the blur streaks gives it a real sense of movement on a static page.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ways to portray the earth releasing the beasts

A 24-hour cycle as seen from space

I changed the dates from daily to monthly to fit in with the exact date of the "end of the world": December 21, 2012.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Book research

Film animation: a simplified approach TR 897.5 (sci)
- speed/swish lines help fast action sequences.
- Consider how the behaviour/weight or mass/material/appearance influence character's movement.
- anticipation > action > reaction
- animated objects = simplified, they represent symbols of reality. this behaviour can be observed more quickly than that of live objects. this is why they usually tend to demmand quicker speed.
- 1.Simplicity of shapes for easy recognition. 2.Designs that can be easily manipulated in every possible postion in space. 3.Structures which can be draw with easy speed in case a great number of phases are to be animated
- Storyboard layout: 1.The shapes of the objects which appear in the shot. 2The graphic compostion of shapes and forms, and how this composition is related to the movement of the objects or figures within each shot. 3.The co-ordination of movement starting in one shot so it is in register with movement in another shot.
- story-line > character + design > layouts > storyboard + timing > sound/animating

Setting up your shots TR 850 (sci)
- Excerise: Watch some of your favourite movies for the camera shots + transitions + montage + meanings of these shots
- screen direction. ex. sub faces right when going out to sea, and left when coming back.
- tilted horizon shots can produce interesting diagonals
- 360 adds positive motion + energy to a scene
- POV projectile: camera follows bullet etc
- dark voyeur: pov of bad guy watching prey, usually framed through foliage
- multi-take(shot of same action from different angles) Alteranative to slow motion.

Digital Video Production Cookbook
Not as helpful, as it just explains how to acheive certain effects on film.

Digital Storytelling
Basically explains that SFX cannot carry a movie when it has a weak story.

Understanding Comics 741.5 MCC
Will be helpful with creating the comic style legend in my narrative.

Also edited the width of the blog to make text eaiser to read.